About Me

Even obstacles have a reason for being

Hello, and welcome to iStruggleDaily. My name is Yesi. If you’re here, then in some way these words “I struggle daily”, strike a chord in you. You’re aware of your daily struggles and like most of us, you privately deal with them. However, through my desire of living a more full life, I’ve learned that even obstacles have a reason for being. This thought has liberated me to turn the light on and share my experiences.

This is a living collection of my personal experiences, thoughts, and ideas. This is part of my personal work. My intention is to clear out those shadows that lie within and to be a source of encouragement for others.

How it started

As a child, I grappled with fear, panic, sadness, anger, loneliness, shame, low self-esteem, insomnia, and lack of appetite. It felt like storms that would build up and burst, followed by moments of clarity and feeling happy and social, and then suddenly back to becoming antisocial, moody, and withdrawn from others. The flood of these emotions through my body at times was debilitating, confusing, and caused physical pain.

Why now?

It’s taken years to understand that I was experiencing symptoms of mental illness. And to accept that this doesn’t go away, and I can’t pretend it away. So I’ve decided to share my mental health experience and create a safe space for others with similar experiences. Perhaps the obstacles I’ve faced can serve a purpose. I look forward to sharing my journey; the things that I’ve learned and am learning.

I believe that it takes a village with various opinions, tools, and techniques that can help others overcome these obstacles and struggles. And thus I am one of these voices. It’s my intention to focus on what strengthens me, and what inspires me to live a joyful life. My hope is that it helps you do the same.