Black Lives Matter [Full Stop]

I came across a post on Facebook where someone was upset after seeing a picture of Opal Tometi, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, with Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan dictator. And I thought to myself, what purpose does this post serve? Should my opinion over discrimination, racial inequality, or abuse of power by police or dictators change by seeing this picture? Are we so fickle that we should ignore the fact that Black Lives Matter because the founder posed with the Venezuelan dictator that has caused such atrocities in his own country?

And I say NO because Black Lives Matter. That’s it. This issue is so much bigger than one person or one opinion. I refuse to be distracted by posts such as these in a poor or pathetic attempt to discredit the argument that Black Lives Matter. The outrage and anger over the injustices that have occurred for over 400 years is unequivocally valid.

If you believe that these words represent bad things: Discrimination, Racial Inequity, Slavery, Abuse of Power, Police Brutality, then stop complaining that people are upset and are calling for change. This should be a cause you support and stop anyone from double talk or watering it down.

This doesn’t ignore all the other horrible things happening around the world. There is a long list of things that need fixing. But I trust that WE as a collective have the capacity and empathy to see more than just one thing, yet recognize that to really make effective change, we need to tackle one thing at a time. And at this time the world has its attention on racism. Enough is enough.

If we want to be the designers of a better future, then we must look back at history and see the things we don’t want to see. Stop insisting on clearing your head, clear your heart instead.