Journaling pages of depression

And as I write, I’ve learned not to judge how I write or what I put on paper. I just let the thoughts flow. For the most part, the thoughts are coherent and make sense, but then there are days where they are racing and are faster than my hand. So, when this happens, I jump from one thought to another without rhyme or reason. This is especially true when I am experiencing a depressive episode.

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It begins with small changes and continues through consistency

That is the mindset I have when I wake up because mental health requires daily work. It’s for this reason that I challenge myself daily to get up and move. Do the things that keep me fit in mind, body, and soul. The key is remembering that it begins with small changes and continues through […]

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I’m exhausted from being home. Aren’t you?

It’s been 1 month since my city issued a Safer at Home ordinance. Since then, I’m bouncing between being uber-productive and “not going crazy at home”. To just sitting with my thoughts and letting my emotions get the best of me. When is this going to end? I’m exhausted from being at home. Aren’t you? […]

More .... I’m exhausted from being home. Aren’t you?