COVID-19 Ushers an Uncertain Future

COVID-19 ushers an uncertain future for all of us. I work for a small company that supports the cruising industry, and I don’t know if it will survive this. We’ve had to let go of an incredible workforce, and it makes me sick to my stomach. Layoffs suck! And the longer this quarantine continues, we will continue to shrink until eventually, it will be my turn.

After a phone call today to discuss additional layoffs, my emotions are running amuck. The hamster wheel is the only thing working overtime. My entire body aches because of the unbridled tension. Frustration, anger, and fear are all bubbling to the surface. It’s emotional overload. Sitting with these feelings and remaining calm is challenging.

Logically I know this too shall pass and I’ve written about occupying our time in a productive way while we have it. But that doesn’t cancel out the fear of losing everything I’ve worked for because of a global pandemic. Up until February of this year, the thought of a global pandemic was a topic of the future. I never thought I’d experience something like this. So there is this feeling of being blindsided. Because there are levels to the impact of a global pandemic. And I think now is when I am really starting to grasp and absorb the magnitude of all of this.

My heart feels heavy. It hurts to see the news, the many lives COVID-19 has claimed, and the layoffs of so many people. The struggle is real, and it sucks! In the meantime, I am doing what I can to keep it into perspective. I’m sharing what I’m going through because I need to release the emotional pressure valve. It helps ease the nerves in the pit of my stomach. And I know I am not the only one that is going through this.

Today I feel scared but I am hopeful that tomorrow I will feel more optimistic. It’s a roller coaster but I’ll do what I can to get through this. This too shall pass.