Feel-Good “Gardening Tools”

Here are some feel-good “gardening tools”. These suggestions have been curated after personally trying them along with recommendations from my friends. As my dear friend Stefanie says, we need different “gardening tools” to help us grow and #biohackstress. I hope you find these recommendations useful. And remember to love yourself. xoxo

Yours – Free

The Science of Grounding

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Saged App

Feeding your mind. Here are some books we love <3

If you use Kindle or Audible, you can find these books there. However, if you like the feel of a paper back or hardcover book, here is the link on Amazon for these. Feel free to layer these books in combination with any of the apps.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – Dr. Joe Dispenza (This book introduced me to meditation in an analytical way and it has changed my life!) If you are looking for a scientific explanation of how we can change from the inside/out verses outside/in, this is the book for you.

The Power of Vulnerability – Brene Brown { I listened to this book using audible.com and loved it. Brene Brown is a great writer and she explains vulnerability in a way that is appealing to both the logical and emotional parts of ourselves.}

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho { Paulo Coelho is a brilliant writer. He speaks to our subconscious with a beautiful fable. I recommend this book to anyone in search of their purpose or personal journey.}

The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz { This book breaks it down when it comes to our limited beliefs and how we can deconstruct the myths and rebuild by using 4 agreements to ourselves.}


Live Ultimate
Mushrooms and Green Supplement


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