I’m grateful to my landlord!

It’s true! I’m grateful to my landlord. It’s been two weeks since our office closed. I really didn’t think we’d be where we are today in the world. What I do know is that my job is no longer secure and uncertainty is the new normal.

Like everyone else, I have bills that need to get paid. I have rent, credit card bills, utilities, insurance, etc.. and I’m nervous. So when I realized that I wasn’t going back into the office, I called my landlord. I explained that I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to work and that I wasn’t sure if I could pay April’s rent.

At first I felt hesitant to have that conversation with him, but he completely understood. He asked me to give him a few days to see how he could help me out. The next day, he called me and did something I didn’t expect. He told me not to worry about April’s rent.

I was in awe with gratitude and relieved. His act of generosity made me realize how incredibly lucky I am. He also told me that if I couldn’t pay May’s rent, that we’d figure it out together. But that I shouldn’t lose sleep over it because he would help me in any way he could. Can you believe that?! My landlord left me speechless.

Several days later, I received my regular paycheck. And I felt a sigh of relief to know that I still have a job, at least for now. With that in mind, my thoughts immediately turned to my landlord.

You see, now I was able to pay my rent without worry. And after he showed me such kindness I couldn’t in good conscience take advantage of that. So after a brief debate with myself, I decided today to send him my payment. So I set up the transaction and called him to let him know that I was sending him the money. It was my turn to surprise him.

Now he was the one disbelief! He asked me if I was sure about paying the rent. I told him yes, and he thanked me for my honesty. He assured me that if I needed help with May, he’d help me. Now, I don’t know what the future holds or if I will lose my job. But I’m certain that there are good people out there that will help you when you need it the most.

I’m incredibly grateful to my landlord. His actions and manner of treatment have impressed upon me that there isn’t a shortage of kindness. And we shouldn’t be afraid to share it, spread, and pay it forward. The truth is we are all facing some tough times and we need more people like my landlord. Keep hope alive!

Thank you Pepin!