It begins with small changes and continues through consistency

That is the mindset I have when I wake up because mental health requires daily work. It’s for this reason that I challenge myself daily to get up and move. Do the things that keep me fit in mind, body, and soul. The key is remembering that it begins with small changes and continues through consistency.

Some days are easier than others. I get up filled with energy and check the boxes off. I work out, journal, meditate, eat a healthy breakfast, and drink plenty of water. Seems simple and easy enough right? But the truth is that staying consistent is a mental challenge. On the days I slack off I can feel the effects. My mood may be off, I’m not as energetic, or I don’t eat right.

However, as I accept that I’m accountable for how I feel, maintaining a healthy routine is crucial. No one is going to do the work for me. I repeat, it begins with small changes and continues through consistency. So this means putting myself as a priority over anything and making adjustments in other areas of my life. It means changing my eating habits, consuming less alcohol, and focusing on what I feed my mind.

Through this journey, I’ve become more interested in connecting with my higher self. Turning my attention away from the outside distractions and focusing on personal growth. I’m learning to practice patience and kindness with myself. And I remind myself that all the small changes add up but they take time. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

I also find that I am attracting like-minded people. My conversations frequently center around personal betterment and the exchange of experiences. The more I travel along this path, the more I learn of myself and of others. And I realize that I have so much to learn. But each little step I take gets me closer to the next goal, and the next goal, etc.

I’m falling in love with the process and embracing it all. There is trust that this is the right path for my mental health recovery and more full like. I look forward to what’s ahead. I hope to see you along the way.