Now I See Me | Now I See You

This is the title of my new series on Instagram. And as I think about it, I wanted to take the time and share with you the meaning behind Now I See Me | Now I See You. It goes beyond just seeing myself in a mirror. It’s looking inside myself and really getting to know me thereby getting to know you.

For most of my life, I’ve been chasing something (looking outward) for self-worth, love, validation, confidence, trust, power, etc. Every day I’d wake up in this hamster wheel and repeat the same thoughts and actions, hoping to get a different result. Without realizing it, these negative thoughts and behaviors were serving me to stay in this hamster wheel. It would take me many years to learn that what I was doing was running rackets with myself and others.

Nevertheless, after coming up empty and feeling deflated time and again, I was tired and needed to change. I didn’t want to live in a dream state anymore. So I began working on peeling back the layers. Working on repairing the integrity within myself, exploring who I am, what fuels me, and how I can share myself with others.

I learned that seeing myself and working on me is both selfish and loving. I’m aware now of my self-worth, love, how words matter, and shape my views, along with my boundaries. It’s realizing that there is a bounty within me and therefore I no longer need to chase anything. More importantly, this understanding has helped me to see that being authentic with myself allows me to be authentic with others.

So thank you for letting me share this with you and I am so glad I can see you. See the beauty in you and accept you for exactly who you are. It is my intention that by actively working on myself and remaining in integrity that I can help others find this in them as well.

Now I See You